Cherwell Valley

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How can we get coverage in Cherwell Valley Today?

Cherwell Valley Today is a hyperlocal lifestyle and news blog. We cover the Cherwell Valley, the surrounding Oxfordshire towns and villages and we also venture into the Cotswolds. We are called Cherwell Valley Today because our offices are based just outside Bicester in the heart of the Cherwell Valley, and we cover stories and events that we think people who live in this area are interested in. This could mean that we include content from other parts of the UK, Europe and further afield from time to time.

As well as enthusing our readers to try new things and visit new places, we also want to promote the very best that our area has to offer to both people who live here and those who visit. We are happy to offer some initial FREE coverage to anyone who contacts us and tells us about their business, however, we are a business too! We have developed a cost effective, simple advertising and marketing package to help promote your business and make sure that you are well and truly on the map.

Reviews and sponsored posts, press trips and free samples

From time to time we are lucky to be asked to review products and places-this could be anything from a new lipstick or shaving foam to a fancy pants restaurant! Cherwell Valley Today is owned and edited and created by Sarah-a journalist who has spent 30 years working in newspapers, mags, TV and online and who has reviewed many, many things during her career! When we are asked what we think about something we are offered free samples to try or places to visit. Just because we have been given things for free does not mean we automatically love it so our reviews will always be fair, accurate and balanced.

If you would like us to feature you and have something for us to review then please let us know.

If you see that a post is marked as Sponsored, this means that someone such as a business has paid us to feature their product or service on our website. This is one of the ways that we make our money but we are select about who we work with and who we like to build business relationships with. We will only accept advertising for products and services that are relevant to our loyal and discerning readers.

We are a small team of creative people working hard to create a beautiful, interesting blog that really promotes all that the area has to offer. We welcome the chance to work with guest bloggers so do get in touch if you would like to talk to us.

Get in touch!

Let us know what you think about Cherwell Valley Today, enquire about advertising or find out about all the ways that we can work together.
