Cherwell Valley

Support your indie businesses and share the love in February

Independent Oxford has launched a challenge to get people to shop locally for a fortnight in February called #LoveIndieOxford

Independent Oxford is a project that encourages people to support local businesses in Oxfordshire, started by Rosie Jacobs and Anna Munday six years ago with the aim of bringing businesses together to build a supportive and collaborative community of independents. They also wanted to show the diversity and creativity behind the independents of Oxfordshire.

They have created a two week challenge to encourage more people to think local – #LoveIndieOxford

Anna and Rosie started Independent Oxford because of a shared passion about the benefits of shopping locally, and creating a community for indie businesses to get support. As indie business owners themselves, it was something they needed and thought others would too. Six years on and the pair have created an authentic, highly engaging and dependable website for people to discover indies across Oxfordshire, and share their mission to create real social change by showing the value of buying local. Anna and Rosie are passionate about encouraging people to invest in their local economy and community. 

Anna said: “Indies are the life blood of our communities and to imagine high streets, towns and cities without them is unthinkable. Small businesses employ 48% of the workforce in the UK, they really are the backbone of our economy, but without our support are unsustainable. The challenge is designed to think about achievable swaps you can make to your household purchases, which are easy and affordable changes, and will hopefully give you a better connection with your community too.”

How to get involved:

Explore local alternatives for regular purchases such as ordering veg boxes, using farmers markets, bakeries and butchers instead of supermarkets.

Resist the temptation to make purchases from large internet stores

Discover the local businesses that make up your community

Rosie said: “It’s about the everyday, are there like for like swaps that you could make to support a local business? Use #LoveIndieOxford on Instagram and Twitter to tell us how you’re getting on with the challenge!”

She added: “We are really excited about this challenge, which we hope will be a fun distraction from lockdown life, and get people thinking about local alternatives. Independent businesses need our support more than ever at the moment, and by providing it, we get to discover the brilliant businesses that give our communities life.”

To find out more go to  

Find Independent Oxford on social media: Instagram: @independentoxford

Twitter: @IndieOxford