Cherwell Valley

Play areas to remain open during winter lockdown

Bicester Town Council has confirmed that 12 of its play areas will remain open during the third national lockdown.

Under current rules, the play areas can remain open, but people are urged to follow government advice to maintain social distancing and be prepared to go elsewhere if parks are busy.

A sign at the entrance to each park states the maximum number of people allowed in at any one time. Visitors are urged to adhere to rules and not to mix with other people to enable everyone to enjoy the park safely.

Open parks are regularly inspected and cleaned by the council’s maintenance team, and hand sanitising stations are topped up. 

The 12 open parks are listed on the town council’s website, all other parks, outdoor gyms and the skate park will remain closed. Football pitch bookings have also been suspended.

Bicester Cemetery will remain open, except on Fridays when it is closed between 7am and 2.30pm to enable council staff to undertake maintenance safely.

Town council leader Richard Mould said: “We are pleased that some parks are able to stay open in this national lockdown to allow children to let off some steam. 

“Each open play area has had a risk management review completed to allow them to open and remain open and our team make regular inspections.

“We would urge users to adhere to government guidance, including keeping at least two metres apart and washing hands; to follow rules on signs at the open parks and not to enter closed parks.”

During the first national lockdown all parks were closed. Some of the larger parks re-opened in July after a range of COVID-secure measures were put in place by the council.

The latest government guidance is available here or for local information about open spaces view