Cherwell Valley

A big cheer for Bicester!

[dropcap type =”circle”]A[/dropcap] group of cheerleaders from Bicester are through to the European Cheerleading Championships.
The Bicester Elite Cheer United group beat teams from across the UK at the National Championships in Manchester to secure their place, and now a fundraising campaign has started to raise the cash to get the team to Europe.
Founder and Head Coach at Bicester ECU, Kizzy Burt said: “Our level 4 senior group stunt team, Bicester ECU Saturn came in first place at UKCA National championships, Manchester last weekend.
“We then had the news that they have qualified to represent the United Kingdom at the European Cheerleading Championships 2017 taking place in Croatia on July 1 and 2.”
Elite Cheer United was set up in 2013 by Kizzy who has a strong background in musical theatre and dance and many years of coaching experience.

She added: “The club has a very friendly ethos, where all of the girls and boys treat each other as family. We are extremely proud to cater for all ages in our range of classes, from two year olds in cheer tots, learning basic balance and coordination, to the more senior ladies shaking their pom poms in cheerobics!”
The group meets at Bicester Rugby Club and is now asking for support and sponsorship so that they can take part in the European Championships.
Kizzy added: “We are now fundraising to help to get our girls to the Europeans. The whole team would greatly appreciate any donation or sponsor to help get Bicester on that map. All sponsors names will be printed on our team UK t-shirts.”
To find out more about the group and support their European Championships fundraising campaign email or visit the group’s Facebook page

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