Cherwell Valley

Get crafty for Mother’s Day with the Creation Station

[dropcap type =”circle”]J[/dropcap]ulia Martin from Bicester’s Creation Station shares a great craft activity that makes a perfect Mother’s Day gift.

[dropcap type = “circle”]U[/dropcap]ntil having children, I never quite understood how my mum had the ability to look genuinely pleased with my home-made Mother’s Day offerings, usually a card of some description. Now I love getting my children’s scribbles and markings on anything (except the carpet, Alexandra!) and actually keep and treasure them. My mum’s delight has also been re-ignited by receiving hand-made cards and gifts from my children so for Mother’s Day this year I decided to really push the boat out and help the children make her a beautiful decoupage picture frame with a photo of my two little darlings in it.

If you would like to create something similar you will need:

1 plain wooden picture frame
Decoupage materials- for my frame I used printed black and white pictures of the children and my parents, printed on normal paper, which I then cut into squares. You can also use a selection of different coloured tissue paper squares.
Scissors- to cut the decoupage materials
Decoupage glue or PVA glue and a brush. I used PVA glue which I watered down very slightly.
To start, remove the glass and any other materials from the frame. Then spread the decoupage or watered down PVA glue over the picture frame using the brush. Carefully stick the squares of decoupage material over the frame, I prefer a random formation but you can stick them in any pattern you choose. Then simply add another layer of glue and keep sticking until you are happy with your creation. Remember to add a layer of glue on the top to finish it off and seal all the pieces of paper to the frame. When it dries, you are ready to put your lovely picture in it 
This is a lovely, easy activity to do with the children and they really enjoyed all the sticking and gluing. It also looks great and I’m hoping that ‘granny’ will love it but I’m sure she will!
I hope you all enjoy giving decoupage a go and creating a beautiful unique gift. Until next month, happy crafting.

For more information and inspiration and to find out more about the Creation Station visit  or email