Cherwell Valley

Enjoy a walk in the great outdoors and get fit for life

[dropcap type=”circle”]P[/dropcap]eople in the Bicester area are being encouraged to enjoy the great outdoors as part of a new programme of free health walks.

With the UK suffering from a serious inactivity crisis, Cherwell District Council is encouraging people to come together and enjoy one of the most accessible and effective ways of staying healthy.

The scheme is being operated jointly with South Northamptonshire Council and takes in some of the districts’ most picturesque scenery.

Cllr George Reynolds, Cherwell’s deputy leader, said: “Inactive lifestyles are putting our wellbeing at risk, placing an undue burden on the healthcare system. But regular walking has been shown to be a fantastic way for people to reduce their risk of serious illness.

“The Cherwell and South Northants health walks scheme offers an easy and sociable way to do this. With trained walk leaders and routes to suit all abilities, we are making the barrier to entry as low as can be.

“So for anyone keen to make new friends or explore a part of the district that’s a little bit off the beaten track, this is the ideal way to do it. What’s more, it’s completely free of charge.”

A recent report by the national Walking for Health partnership shows that being physically active cuts the risk of several major health conditions by between 20 and 60 per cent.

The Cherwell walks start out from a range of north Oxfordshire locations, including Banbury, Bicester, Bloxham, Kidlington and Woodstock. They take in flat ground to suit those after a gentler stroll, and hills for anyone looking for a more challenging hike.

Each route comes with three difficulty levels, ranging from 30 minutes to 90 minutes and longer.

Scheme co-ordinator Colin Hull is actively seeking new volunteer walk leaders, and is offering a series of free training courses that are running throughout the year. He is also running a competition to name the new scheme. Entrants should email him their suggestions for a chance to win a £25 voucher.

For more information, including details of training for walk leaders, ring 01327 322 337 or email

The full health walks timetable is included in the Best Foot Forward newsletter, which can be downloaded from