Cherwell Valley

Bicester residents go for gold!

[dropcap type =”circle”]T[/dropcap]he Bicester’s Big Lunch team has been busy spreading some festive cheer around the town and hiding some golden tickets.
The scramble is on to be one of the first 50 lucky winners to find a mysterious golden ticket. The tickets will be hidden throughout Bicester in the run up to Christmas.
Each envelope contains a golden ticket and an extra special gift. Local Bicester businesses have been joining in the fun with two found already in Savoir Fare and another at Paula’s Boutique. They could be anywhere, in the park, in your local cafe, your favourite bookshop or even the library. If you find one, it’s yours to keep!
To validate your golden ticket prize, tag #BBL2017, visit the Bicester’s Big Lunch Facebook page or Instagram the team with a selfie of you and your Golden Envelope.