Cherwell Valley

Back local farming this Christmas

[dropcap type =”circle”]T[/dropcap]he NFU is encouraging people to back British farming and put local produce at the heart of their Christmas meal and other festive feasts this year.
The leading trade association for farmers and growers is making it easy for people to find a quality, farm fresh bird and many of the trimmings. Its online turkey finder enables shoppers to tap in their postcode, find a local turkey producer and cut food miles. There are tips on cooking your turkey too.

An NFU spokeswoman said: “Nothing beats a locally reared bird to treat your family, so click on our online turkey finder to find the centrepiece of your Christmas meal. There are hundreds of turkey producers to choose from and all budgets are catered for. By buying local and British, you’ll be getting quality, value produce, cutting food miles and supporting the rural economy. In many cases you can speak to the farmer or grower who has produced your festive fare.”

The NFU’s festive hub also has information on choosing a British Christmas tree, picking a British poinsettia, selecting sprouts and parsnips, sourcing English sparkling wine, cheese and much more.